
Dr. Arcangelo Lubrano
Médico, Psiquiatra

Al servicio de la comunidad online desde 1988

Su formación académica comienza en la Escuela de Medicina José María Vargas de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, donde en 1974 recibe el título de Médico Cirujano. En 1978 finaliza el postgrado de psiquiatría luego de 4 años de estudio en la Universidad De Stanford y de inmediato inicia practica privada en Palo Alto, al tiempo que se interesa por la investigación en el campo de la interacción familiar.

Recibe entrenamiento y supervisión con destacados psicoterapeutas como Milton Erickson, Irv Yalom, Paul Watzlawick y Mara Selvini, además de ser miembro asociado del M. R. I. (Mental Research Institute). Este centro fue en los años 70 el más vanguardista en materia psicológica.

A comienzo de los 80 regresa a Venezuela, su país natal, y acepta la dirección del Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Infantil, trabajo que comparte con una intensa actividad docente en el campo de la Terapia Familiar. La formación académica en Stanford y la experiencia en investigación adquirida en el M.R.I. le dan solidez a su ejercicio terapéutico. Es así como emprende estudios en Italia, Francia, Estados Unidos, La India y Venezuela sobre los factores dietéticos, ambientales, psicológicos y espirituales que condicionan el proceso de cambio en distintos sistemas sociales y familiares.

El boom de las computadoras personales lo lleva de nuevo a California, donde descubre el potencial de esta nueva tecnología en las áreas de información, comunicación y psicoterapia. Aplica entonces los conocimientos aprendidos en el campo interactivo y conjuntamente con la periodista Rosa Haydée Sánchez realiza una investigación sobre 100 horas de material electoral en televisión, publicando en 1987 un libro de historia electoral sobre imagen y estrategia política en Venezuela (De el hombre completo a Jaime es como tú).

Establece la primera comunidad online venezolana, la cual nace en 1988 bajo el nombre de Caracas BBS. Más adelante se hace miembro fundador de la organización americana AOP (Association of Online Professionals) y estimula la creación de la Asociación Nacional Telemática, “Venezuela EnLínea”.

Su fascinación por el mundo online es tan grande como su interés por la medicina complementaria. A mediados de los 90 descubre en Boston, al New England Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine. Se dedica entonces a estudiar la medicina tradicional de la India y obtiene el diploma en Ayurveda que otorga The Open International University for Complementary Medicine de Colombo, Sri Lanka. Finalizado este entrenamiento, se interesa por la acupuntura y obtiene en el año 2000 la certificación de acupuntura médica, que otorga El Estado de Nueva York, luego de concluir los estudios sobre la materia que ofrece The New York Medical College.

El doctor Lubrano es discípulo del Pandit Vamadeva Shastri (David Frawley), Atreya Smith y Vasant Laad. Tradujo al español The Ayurvedic Healing Course de David Frawley y dicta cursos sobre Ayurveda en España e Hispanoamérica. Reside en Nueva York y viaja con frecuencia a la India, compartiendo su ejercicio clínico entre la psiquiatría y la medicina Ayurveda. Su especialidad aporta una visión de la psicología ayurvédica que facilita la aplicación de los principios de esta ciencia.

Dr. Arcangelo Lubrano

Serving the online community since 1988

Doctor Arcangelo Lubrano was born in Venezuela in 1950. Although his early childhood was spent in Italy, his family soon relocated to Caracas, where he began his elementary studies at the San Agustin School and La Salle La Colina School. In 1967 he received his high school diploma from the Aplicacion High School and was accepted in Jose Maria Vargas School of Medicine in the Central University of Venezuela. He obtained his degree in Medical Surgery in 1974.

His interest in human behavior drew him to psychiatry as a medical specialty. After four years of study in the Department of Psychiatry at Stanford University in California, he finished his Master’s Program and became a Distinguished Medical Instructor.

He began his career in private practice as well as his research in the interactional and family fields in Palo Alto, California in 1978. He became an Associate Member of the Mental Research Institute (M.R.I.), the most avant-garde institution in psychological research of the ’70’s, where he continued his training under the supervision of such famous authors as Milton Erickson, Irv Yalom, Paul Watzlawick and Mara Selvini.

Returning to Venezuela, he accepted the position of Director for the National Institute of Childhood Psychiatry, while simultaneously devoting a great deal of time teaching in the field of Systematic Family Therapy. His academic background at Stanford and the research experience gained at M.R.I. allowed for great versatility in his therapeutic practices. At this time, he began his research studies in Italy, France, the United States, India and Venezuela on the various dietary, environmental, psychological and spiritual factors that condition the change process in different social and family systems.

In the 80’s, the pioneering groundswell of personal computer use drew him back to California, where he recognized the potential of the new technology in the areas of communication and dissemination of information. He applied his new-found knowledge to the interactive field, and with the help of journalist Rosa Haydee Sanchez, the results of 100 hours of television research culminated in the 1987 publication of a book on the history of electoral image and political strategy.

Returning to Venezuela in 1988, his passion for information systems gave birth to the first online community that same year, under the name of Caracas BBS. Later, he became a founding member of the American organization, Association of Online Professionals (AOP) and stimulated the creation of the Asociación Nacional Telemática, «Venezuela OnLine». His fascination with the online world is as considerable as his interest in the health and dietary fields.

In the early 90’s he discovered the New England Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine in Boston. He then began his studies in traditional Hindu medicine, and obtained his diploma in Ayurvedic Medicine given by The Open International University for Complementary Medicine de Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Among his teachers in the field were Pandit Vamadeva Shastri (David Frawley), Atreya Smith and Vasant Laad. He translated into Spanish The Ayurvedic Healing Course of David Frawley and teaches Ayurveda in Spain And Latin America. He currently divides his professional activities between New York and India. His medical practice encompasses psychiatry, Ayurvedic medicine and other alternative medicines.

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